Budgets & Millage
Welcome to the Budget Documents & Millage Information Page
Habersham County School District operates on a fiscal year basis as prescribed by the State of Georgia. The fiscal year starts on July 1 and ends on June 30. The State requires that every school system have a balanced budget, approved by the local Board of Education, in place before the start of the fiscal year. As such, the HCSD Board of Education authorizes the Superintendent and Chief Financial Officer to create and follow a budget calendar in order to prepare the school district's annual financial plan, the Budget. The Superintendent and CFO work closely with directors, principals, and program managers to strategically develop a balanced budget for the district per the board's direction.
The annual budget process also involves public hearings for the purpose of providing an opportunity for community input and feedback on the proposed annual operating budget. The public hearing dates and times are advertised in the local newspaper and on the district's website. The annual budgets for all funds are normally approved in June of each year.
Habersham County School District strives to ensure transparency and accuracy of financial information to the students, parents and citizens we serve in our community to the greatest extent practicable.
Please note:
The Habersham County Board of Tax Assessors primary responsibilities are to ensure that property is appraised at fair market value as of January 1 of each year and to ensure equity and uniformity of assessment and to compile the annual tax digest. The assessment process also involves reflecting market changes (up or down) in property values. If you have any questions regarding the assessed value of your property, please contact the Tax Assessors office.